Ground-nesting wild bee survival in disturbed soils: towards a more evidence-based conservation
In this project, I will synthesize the current knowledge of ground-nesting wild bee survival after soil disturbance and use experimental studies to further increase the knowledge on ground-nesting wild bees. In a field experiment, the effects of tillage in flower strips, one of the currently most important conservation measures for wild bees will be analysed. Further, methods available for wild bee translocation will be improved and the establishment of ground-nesting bee communities in a new location will be investigated. In the last part of this project, I will link my results to conservation and identify how practitioners look for scientific evidence and what they perceive as relevant to inform their actions, such as the for the conservation of wild bees.
Evaluating agricultural and food policies leading to transformation
pathways towards a biodiversity-friendly land- use and food system (BEATLE):
Quantifying the land-use impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services
In the junior research group BEATLE, we will look at the economic impact of management measures leading to changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the agricultural landscapes. We integrate ecological and economic knowledge using results from meta-analyses to inform economic simulation models and scenarios developed by stakeholders from farming and nature conservation communities across Germany. With this project we look at the economic impact of agricultural land-use on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
The project will last from 2022 till 2027 and is funded by the ‘German Federal Ministry of Education and Research’, as part of a FONA socio-ecological junior research group (BEATLE). The project is realized in the PhD project of Viviana Alarcon-Segura.
Faktencheck Artenvielfalt (fact-checking biodiversity)
In the project “Faktencheck Artenvielfalt” (fact-checking biodiversity), part of the initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to sustain biodiversity, we will assess and synthesize the current knowledge about declining diversity in different ecosystems in Germany. We will further identify drivers responsible for the decline and measures to halt and reverse the decline. Our aim is to provide a national assessment about biodiversity in Germany. This work will directly follow up on the statement funded and published by the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina: “Biodiversity and Management of Agricultural Landscapes”.
The project will last from 2021 till 2026 and is funded by the ‘German Federal Ministry of Education and Research’, as part of their research initiative to maintain biodiversity (FEdA)
Ground-nesting wild bees in flower strips and the influence of ploughing on bee nests
In this project, we will look at differences between annual and perennial flower strips in the agricultural landscape in Baden-Württemberg. We particularly focus at the effects of ploughing on wild bees that nest below ground.
The project will last from 2022 till 2024 and is funded by the ‘Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector, Baden-Württemberg’, the project is realized in the PhD project of Christopher Hellerich
Effects of sand-hills on bee communities
Flower strips are established in several communities in the Natupark Schwarzwald Mitte/Nord in this project since 2018. In February 2022, 7 sites were additionally equipped with sand lenses to support ground-nesting bees and provide nest sites. We have assess bee communities in flower strips and additionally observe which bees use sand lenses for nesting.
Initiated and funded by Naturpark Schwarzwald Mitte/Nord and the initiative Bluehender Naturpark project has started in 2022. Laura Steinegger is currently writing her Master thesis in this project. We aim at continuing over the next years and look for Master students willing to do field work in the Naturpark Schwarzwald Nord/Mitte. More information in German and here